Processed at the Halo Washing Station, this coffee is made up of cherries delivered by surrounding smallholders. It is sourced through Origin Land Coffee.
Halo sits at 2100 masl, close to the Worka Town in Gedeb. Halo is the one of largest growing areas in Gedeb, with a total of 1240 hectares of coffee farms.
This specific station buys cherries from approximately 170 farmers all located in the area. Their farms are on average between 0.5 to 2 hectares in size, and sit between 1925 and 2110 masl.
The cherries are placed directly in the hopper that is connected to the pulping machine (a traditional Agaarde Disc Pulper). The coffee flows from the hopper down to the pulper, and the pulper removes the skin and pulp. The coffee is then fermented under water in tanks for an average of 72 hours. The parchment is soaked in clean water and then dried on raised beds for approximately 8 - 20 days. The coffee is dried in layers of 2-8 cm, depending on the climate, the type of tables, and the stage of drying.
Last(!!) batch roasted: 2025-02-04
Taste profile: Floral & sweet with notes of rooibos tea & nectarine.
Process method: Washed
Arabica variety: Heirloom
Altitude: 1 950 - 2 100 masl
Harvested: February 2024
Green coffee importer: Nordic Approach