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    da Matteo French press

    This classical brewer has been modified many times during the years. The first one might have originated in France, but it was patented for the first time by the italian designer Attilio Calimani in 1929. This brewer has many names around the world. The way of brewing is simple — put coarse ground coffee into it and then hot water, let it rest and then press down the filter. 

    Number of cups: 5-6 (large french press)
    Dosage of coffee: 60 grams
    Grind setting: Slightly finer than coarse
    Dosage of water: 1 litre / 1000 grams
    Temperature of water: 95 degrees celsius

    Here is how you do it

    Heat up the water. Grind the coffee and put it into the brewer. Measure the water, either in cl in a jug beforehand or in grams during brewing. Pour the water into the brewer and stir to make sure all coffee is covered. Let it rest for four minutes. Stir the coffee again and gently press down the filter. Let it cool down slightly before you drink it — this way you´ll experience the flavours even more intense.